
Taking pics of your favorite band.

About Claire


Age: 24

Location: Los Angeles/San Luis Obispo,CA

Claire began photographing her favorite artists and performers as a hobby in high school, until 2018, when she started pursuing it seriously. Since then, she has contributed photos and interviews to various upcoming online publications, Galaxy Magazine, Sound Rebel, and Underground Zine.She also has assisted with touring bands merchandise and meet n greet managers. In doing so, she has been able to cultivate and grow her skill set, learning the ins and outs of the industry. She has had a deep passion for music since childhood and has always been fascinated by the mystery of what happens “behind the scenes.” 

Claire is continually working towards her goal of heading out on tour with a band or artist as their personal photographer, where she can fully capture the vulnerable and exciting side of their life, that their fanbase does not always get to see. 

(310) 714-0814